The Diocese has been working to change the old address of 11800 S Military Lane, Portland, OR to reflect each Parish’s own mailing address and physical location. Tax documents, by law, have a return address that reflects the address the IRS has on file which for 27 parishes is still the Military Lane address.
Action Item: Address Changes
- Complete Forms 8822-B and OR-BCC
- Send IRS notification letter to [email protected]
The forms required to legally change the addresses with the State of OR and the IRS were sent out earlier this year. The original letter you received may not have been clear as to the document the Diocese needed returned after the forms were processed. However, we can still correct this by each parish returning that form to [email protected]. The IRS notification will look similar to these Example Letters. The IRS notification of address change document is the document required to allow Paylocity to change the address on all tax documents. If you are missing your forms, did not receive them, or did not receive a notification letter, please fill out the Forms 8822-B and OR-BCC again. (Form 8828-B is the required form for the IRS while form OR-BCC is the form for the State of OR).
If you have any questions about the forms or the process to change your address, please contact Lynsey at the email address above.
Action Item: Paperless W-2s
Given that each year the Diocese receives over 50 returned W-2s, we are concerned with returned mail going to an address we are no longer affiliated with. To prevent a multitude of returned W-2’s, it has been recommended by our payroll provider to go paperless.
Here is how the paperless W-2 process will work in January 2025 for the 2024 tax year.
- The Finance Department will print W-2s for the 27 parishes that have the incorrect mailing address on file and mail directly to individuals from the Diocesen office.
- For those parishes that have the corrected address on file with the IRS, Paylocity can mail tax documents, unless you prefer to go paperless, as well. These are the parishes with corrected addresses:
- Roseburg, St George
- Portland, St Barnabas
- Milwaukie, St John the Evangelist
- PDX/Gresham, St Aidan
- Eugene, St Matthew’s
- Eugene, Church of the Resurrection
- Coos Bay, Emmanuel
- Astoria, Grace Episcopal