Clinical Pastoral Education

The Clinical Pastoral Education program (CPE) is experience-based adult learning. Trainees serve in settings where they engage people, families, and communities experiencing distress and challenges of many kinds.  These settings include hospitals, community organizations, and congregations as well as health care organizations.  This program is interfaith and affirming, and applications from those of all beliefs and identities are welcome.

The program’s approach to time commitment, schedule design, and openness to various learning sites make CPE more accessible to those applicants who may otherwise be excluded due to geography, life demands, finances, and barriers due to culture and bias. Each learning cohort’s calendar is negotiated according to the members’ schedule demands. Each unit (class) lasts from October until early May. Group sessions and individual supervision are conducted online using Zoom.  

Trainees may take CPE in order to:

      • Equip themselves to better do the ministry or work they already do,
      • Help gain insight into their own gifts and use of self in ministry,
      • Assist in discerning a call to pastoral ministry,
      • Fulfill requirements for some seminary programs, 
      • Accumulate training credits towards certification as professional chaplains.

The program is a partnership between the Episcopal Church in Western Oregon and Legacy Health Systems.  The program’s supervisor, the Reverend Kurt Neilson, is certified through the College of Pastoral Supervision and Psychotherapy ( who also accredit the program. 

Please see the important information below:

How To Apply
Testimonies from Alumni


Please contact Reverend Kurt Neilson at