Constitution & Canons
The Constitution and Canons is the fundamental document by which a diocese functions. The constitution describes who we are and, among other things, our relationship to The Episcopal Church. The canons define the regulations and rules for implementation and structure. Changes are proposed and adopted at the annual meeting through resolutions.
The current version of the Constitution & Canons was adopted at the 131st Annual Meeting of the Convention of the Episcopal Church in Western Oregon. There is a working group dedicated to overseeing the Constitution & Canons and identifying specific Canons for revision.
Constitution & Canons Working Group
THOUGHT Provide a contextual and practical frame (or reason) for revising the Constitution & Canons for our diocese. Emphasis should be on the function and purpose of the Constitution and Canons for the ministry and work of the diocese and should be in alignment with The Episcopal Church Constitution and Canons.
WORD Describe how the work of this group will deepen, strengthen, and renew our capacity to live into Jesus’ commandments.
DEED Identify specific Canons for revision, including a rationale for changes or removal. Articulate process for diocesan review and adoption, in alignment with The Episcopal Church Constitution and Canons on a revision of diocesan Constitution and Canons.
Derek Moyer, Chair
Emily Karr, Chancellor ex officio
The Rev. Brandon Filbert
The Rev. Martin Loring
The Rev. Laura Sheridan-Campbell
Becky Snow