Our next Holy Hike will take place on Saturday, May 21, starting at 10:00am, at Jackson Bottom Wetlands Preserve in Hillsboro. The unique history of this location is enhanced by accessible sections of the preserve bordering on the Tualatin River.
This will be a two-plus mile hike on level, well maintained, gravel tracks and dirt trails. Sturdy walking shoes or lite-hikers will be adequate.
When we pre-hiked this location on Easter afternoon, we were struck by the fun names of some of the unique plants we discovered along the way, including: Giant Wakerobin, Purple Dead Nettle, and Fragrant Fringecup!
You need to RSVP to attend this event, which will include prayers, readings from holy scripture, and (if you so choose) participation in Holy Communion. Just a reminder that Holy Hikes meets rain or shine, so be sure and dress appropriately for the weather on the day.
Please go to HolyHikesNWOregon.com for more information and to RSVP your participation.