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Workshop: Racial Healing, Reconciliation, and Justice in the Episcopal Church

March 22 @ 10:00 am - 4:00 pm

The Episcopal Church has long been committed to Racial Healing, Reconciliation, and Justice. Now, more than ever, it is essential for all of us to understand and engage with the concept of Beloved Community—the work the Church calls us to do in dismantling racism and pursuing racial reconciliation.

Through stories, videos, and guided discussion, participants will have the opportunity to reflect on how racial injustices have shaped our history and our lives, and explore how we can take meaningful steps toward reconciliation. We recognize that each person’s journey toward racial healing unfolds at its own pace and within unique contexts, and we invite you to join us in this shared space of learning, faith, love, and reflection.

Register in advance: https://onrealm.org/TrinityEpiscopalpdx/PublicRegistrations/Event?linkString=YTlhZDdiMGItMTBjYi00YjhiLWJkNDctYjI5ZDAxODRlNmM3

About the facilitators:

The Rev’d Ernestein Flemister is Oregon’s Diocesan Missioner for Racial Reconciliation. A native of Liberia, the Rev’d Flemister is a lifelong Episcopalian whose first career was law. After fleeing Liberia during the Liberian Civil War, she and her family moved to Ohio, where she earned an additional undergraduate degree in finance, and then received an MBA at Xavier University. Heeding a call to ministry, she graduated from Bexley Hall in 2007. Since 2018, the Rev’d Flemister has served as Rector of St. Luke’s Episcopal Church in Grants Pass, and she was appointed Missioner for Racial Reconciliation for the Episcopal Diocese of Oregon in 2022.

Barb Millikan has been a member of Trinity Cathedral since 2011. She has served as a member of Trinity’s Racial Action Information Network (TRAIN), Family Commission, Verger, Convener for the Diocese Commission on Ministry, and Diocese working group Engaging Racial Justice. Barb is committed to help create community where everyone is treated with dignity and love.


March 22
10:00 am - 4:00 pm
Event Category:


Trinity Cathedral, Portland
147 NW 19th Avenue
Portland, OR 97209 United States
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(503) 222-9811
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