An online opportunity to pray, sing, listen, laugh, and reconnect. All are welcome to attend, regardless of whether or not you have been to a Cursillo Weekend. Here is the Zoom link: . Visit for additional information.
The Heart of The Warrior: 8 Elements of Transformational Embodiment. Presented by Dr. Missy Bird. Zoom presentation with discussion afterwards. Meeting ID: 864 6905 0085 Passcode: 683756
(In-person; facilitated by Rita Weick & Susan Turpin) (In-person only) What can we learn from praying and reflecting on the spiritual journey with people in prison? Why is centering prayer so well suited to prisoner, and what does that say about our practice as free people? Join us as we consider how Contemplative Outreach ( […]
Our next Holy Hike will take place on Saturday, May 21, starting at 10:00am, at Jackson Bottom Wetlands Preserve in Hillsboro. The unique history of this location is enhanced by accessible sections of the preserve bordering on the Tualatin River. This will be a two-plus mile hike on level, well maintained, gravel tracks and dirt […]
Our Annual (until Covid!) Outreach auction provides funds for the 12 Outreach programs we support. The in-person auction is on June 4th from 5-8; Silent auction opens online on May 27 at 6:30 pm. select Auction They are: William Temple House TLC/tnt Tender Loving Care/think and try Lake Oswego Meals on Wheels Uganda Masaka School and […]
The Flowing Light of The Spirit ECW 30th Anniversary Spirituality Day Saturday, May 28, 2022 - 8:30 AM - 3:30 PM the Rt. Rev. Diana Akiyama, Celebrant and Preacher The Diocese of Oregon Episcopal Church Women’s 2022 Spirituality Day will be at St. Francis of Assisi! Thirty years ago, in 1992, the first Spirituality Day […]