Organist Matthew O’Sullivan will put Saints Peter & Paul Episcopal Church’s 1959 Wicks pipe organ through its paces Sunday, September 25, 5 pm. O’Sullivan’s performance will feature music by musicians with significant anniversaries in 2022, including Cesar Franck, who was born 200 years ago and almost single-handedly kickstarted the tradition of great French organists that […]
Los Angeles Guitar Quartet: Sacred, spiritual and classical music for four guitars LAGQ returns to St. Paul's with their signature sound and synchronicity, bringing to life classics by Bach, Beethoven and Rossini as well as world music pieces from Indonesia and Chile. They will also feature luminous works from their new CD "Opalescence" The concert is […]
We are a relaxed, informal group of people who are passionate about full inclusion, justice, compassion, and humility. Our next book will be "In the Margins: A Transgender Man's Journey with Scripture" by Shannon L.T. Kearns. It can be found on Amazon as well as at Powell's Books in Portland. As a trans-Christian and priest, […]
WORLD PREMIERE OF THE VOICE OF ONE – OCTOBER 7, 8, and 9 In this creative new musical, written by The Rev. Canon Robert Bryant (Rector of the Parish of St. John the Baptist) and composed by Mr. Scot Crandal (St. John’s Director of Music), the Parish collaborates with Oregon Episcopal School to make the […]
The Rev. Sara Fischer and the Very Rev. Nathan LeRud are leading a pilgrimage to the Holy Land and you are invited! This pilgrimage, originally scheduled for January and rescheduled to October (thanks, Omicron), will be a wonderful opportunity to walk where Jesus walked and worship where he worshiped, as well as learn what life […]
All deacons are invited. The day's theme will be Creation Care. Lunch and snacks will be provided. Please let Deacon Kristina know if you have any special dietary requirements. REGISTER AND VIEW ALL THE DETAILS HERE.
Following September's Cursillo Weekend, a Day of Deeper Understanding provides information about furthering the ministry of Cursillo, and is designed for recent participants, sponsors, and team, as well as those desiring to learn more about the Cursillo ministry. It will be followed that same place and date, at 12:30pm, by a bring your own lunch […]
Clergy Leadership Day October 15, 2022 Fellowship starting at 9:00am, Program begins at 10:00am Lunch included, Depart by 3:00pm St. Thomas, Eugene We will gather to reflect on Scripture and with one another as we prepare to engage a new church-wide practice. Together, we will learn how we can enliven and reshape our communities by listening with our […]
(In person only) Our lives are lived in story – stories of joy, loss, wonder, suffering, seeking, and more. Sharing & listening to each other’s stories is a sacred practice in which we learn to meet one another in our humanness. Come prepared to share and to listen in this participatory storytelling retreat. No experience […]
We will meet at Mary S. Young Park for a 2+ mile walk. Along the way we will say prayers, hear readings from holy scripture, and celebrate Holy Communion. We would describe this as an easy + hike, with some modest elevation gains, mostly walking on dirt paths with some pavement. Sturdy walking or light […]
We are excited to welcome the internationally-renowned St. Olaf Orchestra and their new director, Chung Park, for a concert of exciting new music and old favorites! Tickets:
Karen Miller has been making art with the traditional Japanese technique katazome (stencil dyeing) for 25 years. Shortly after her election, Diana Akiyama commissioned Karen to create bishop vestments to reflect both her Japanese heritage and her passion for the natural world, especially water – delicate, understated, and fluid. As a skilled seamstress herself, the […]
The Episcopal churches of the Southern Convocation invite you to a prayer service of unity and healing followed by a picnic at the Bank of America Shelter at Reinhart Volunteer Park in Grants Pass. Sunday October 23 from 2-4PM. Those attending are encouraged to bring a lawn chair and to dress comfortably accordingly to the […]
Join us for Evening Prayer, followed by a special musical performance from Lasana Kanneh. “Lasana Kanneh suffered much in his native homeland of Liberia. He was born blind and ostracized by his community for this disability. He was eventually abandoned at the school for the blind in Monrovia. God intervened and an evangelist took him […]
Grab a pumpkin and join us for a pumpkin carving party and lots of pumpkin snacks before the Halloween Organ Spooktacular. Open to all ages. Be sure to come in costume!
(In person only) Join Trinity’s organists for a family-friendly evening of spooky, silly, and exciting music for the Halloween season! Preceded by a pumpkin carving party, this family-friendly concert will feature a free raffle, a costume contest, and lots of Halloween fun! Freewill offering benefiting Trinity Hunger Ministries.
Learn what to expect from an earthquake in the Cascadia zone, where to get important information, and simple ways that you can prepare your family and your community. You'll leave the session feeling informed and empowered! REGISTER TO ATTEND ONLINE: About the presenter: Kate Szrom works at the Portland Bureau of Emergency Management supporting […]
(Presented by Alan Murray) The 80th General Convention of the Episcopal Church, held this summer, was a historic one, with over 400 resolutions acted upon. Join Trinitarian, Alan Murray, a Deputy to the General Convention from the Diocese of Oregon and the Secretary for the legislative committee on Social Justice and US Policies, in discussing […]
Join the Trinity Book Club on the last Sunday of each month as we discuss books for every taste. Everyone is welcome! October selection: Jack by Marilynn Robinson. Moderated by Matthew Lawrence About the book: Marilynne Robinson’s mythical world of Gilead, Iowa—the setting of her novels Gilead, Home, and Lila, and now Jack—and its beloved […]
Bishop Akiyama will join the community of All Saints Episcopal Parish in Hillsboro for the celebration of new ministry for their Rector the Rev. Tom Sramek, Jr.
An evening of sharing stories about being Japanese and Japanese American in Oregon. A service of Evening Prayer will commemorate The Rev. Hiram Hisanori Kano, an Episcopal priest who was interned by the United States government during World War II. Presiding: The Rt. Rev. Diana Akiyama, Bishop of the Diocese of Oregon. Download the flyer here.