This free retreat will take place over five half-hour sessions via the Trinity Retreat Center Facebook page throughout the weekend at these times; all times are Eastern. Registration is not required. Friday 7–7:30pm Saturday 10–10:30am, 2–2:30pm, and 8–8:30pm Sunday 4–4:30pm
Every day it seems we are faced with fresh challenges caused by Climate Change. The need to address these issues is clear, but how to do it isn’t always obvious. One practical response is to electrify our homes in whatever ways we can. Interfaith Power and Light is sponsoring a webinar entitled Inflation Reduction Act Resources […]
About the presentation: Our sociological imagination is deeply connected to our spiritual imagination and vice versa. When we have been conditioned by a society that elevates and centers whiteness and maleness, we tend to elevate and center whiteness and maleness in our spiritual lives as well. But the Sacred Black Feminine — a Black-and-female iteration […]
Join others from around the diocese for Coos Bay Day! This is an opportunity for our diocese to gather in person and officially bless and open our Coos Bay location, also known as Shepherd House. Shepherd House will serve as a residence and office space for me, the missioners, and other diocesan staff as they […]
NO DOUBT ABOUT IT! St. Thomas Episcopal Church Is Celebrating Our 75th Birthday and YOU ARE INVITED! SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 2023 1 TO 3 PM 1486 SW LEVENS STREET, DALLAS, OR Refreshments & Games Do you have any pictures or memorabilia from your days at St. Thomas? Please bring them to share with everyone. Questions? […]
Join us for a morning of Centering Prayer learning and practice, led by Rita Weick and Bette Butler through Oregon Contemplative Outreach. This is an opportunity for those new to Centering Prayer to begin their practice and for those with an existing contemplative practice to meet others and practice together. In person only. Register to […]
Join us next Sunday, September 17th for Rally Day! We’ll have a fresh new liturgy at the 10:30 service, with music and a potluck to follow. During the potluck we’ll have an opportunity for ministry leaders to tell us a little about their ministry and how we can become involved. We will also hear a […]
Following the Morning Prayer service, the church is offering a "Hawaiian Plate" Luau/potluck consisting of bbq pulled pork and teriyaki pulled chicken, mac salad, and sticky rice. There will also be other salads and desserts. All funds raised, including donations sent to Calvary, will be forwarded to the Diocese of Hawai'i for the benefit of […]
Experience a pilgrimage to the early foundations of sacred art in North Macedonia & Serbia to witness the foundations of early Christian art in monasteries, churches, and historic sites. This tour is co-lead with an Orthodox priest who has decades of experience leading pilgrimage tours to historic and scenic holy sites worldwide and his connections […]
On this 100th anniversary of the dedication of St. Michael's nave and the 50th anniversary of the installation of our Balcom & Vaughan pipe organ, all are invited to this special Choral Evensong for the Feast of Saint Michael &All Angels. Using the 1892 Prayer Book and musical settings from around 100 years ago, we […]