Dear Friends in Christ,

I am writing to update you on the status of three churches in our diocese: St. John Episcopal Church in Toledo, Ascension Episcopal Church in Riddle, and Ss. Peter & Paul Episcopal Church in Portland. Pursuant to Diocesan Canon 6.14, the Diocesan Convention will vote to dissolve these congregations at the Annual Meeting on October 28, 2023.

Our current canonical language frames the closing of a parish or mission as the result of a series of failures. This could not be farther from the truth for these faith communities.  Each of these communities has come to a point in their common life when it became clear that it was time to close. While it is true that their decision to close is an ending, it is also an opening for something new to begin. In this moment, however, we live into the grief that accompanies loss and change, knowing that grief is a reflection of love, and love beckons us forward into the hope we know in our resurrected Christ.

I want to reassure you that I and the Standing Committee do not have plans to sell the properties in Toledo, Riddle, or Portland. We plan to utilize these properties in a sustainable manner that will reflect the historical presence of our Episcopal faith in each location.

By the very nature of their unique contexts and worship life, each congregation has lived into the mission and ministry of the Episcopal Church in Western Oregon in distinct and transformative ways. The stories that follow offer a snapshot of the life of each congregation and the impact they have had in their local communities. 

Yours in Christ,


Below, you will find the stories for each of the congregations that are expected to close. Please click on the link to read the PDF. If you want to read this full announcement, including the stories and the Spanish translations as one document, please click HERE.

A continuación, encontrarán las historias de cada una de las congregaciones que se espera serán permanentemente cerradas. Haga clic en el enlace para leer el PDF. Si desea leer este anuncio completo, incluidas las historias y las traducciones al español como un solo documento, haga clic AQUÍ.