Faith Communities in Transition
Every parish and mission has a different experience of what it is like when a Rector, Vicar, or Priest-in-Charge departs. This past year, a Transition Design team worked with the Rev. Christopher Craun to create a Guide to Transitions. We recognize that we cannot create a one-size fits all transition process, but we hope that this guide can help you along the way. Remember that transitions are an intervention into your system and require intentional prayer and discernment.
“Creating more possibilities is my favorite aspect of emergent strategy – this is where we shape tomorrow towards abundance.”
– Adrienne Maree Brown
Transition Design Team
The Rev. Christopher Craun
Missioner for Thriving Congregations
The Rev. Gail Greenwell
The Rev. Linda Potter
Mary Rowe
St. John the Evangelist, Milwaukie
Cindy Russell
St. Francis of Assisi, Wilsonville
The Rev. Wes Sedlacek
Samaritan Health Services, Lebanon
The Rev. Tom Sramek Jr.
All Saints, Hillsboro
If your community is approaching a transition:
Please contact the Rev. Christopher Craun at [email protected].