Event Series 4th Saturday Meditation

4th Saturday Meditation

Trinity Cathedral, Portland 147 NW 19th Avenue, Portland, OR, United States

Begin, invigorate, or deepen your meditation practice with this all-levels monthly meditation gathering led by the Rev'd Chris Bell. Meetings will begin with an hour of silent meditation (two sessions of sitting and a short walking meditation), followed by a discussion led by Chris. We will conclude with a half-hour of informal tea (or coffee) […]

Event Series Contemplative Chanting

Contemplative Chanting

Trinity Cathedral, Portland 147 NW 19th Avenue, Portland, OR, United States

Chant the psalms, Taizé, Gregorian, contemporary and Songs of the Presence as a way to connect with the Spirit in prayer. Drop in anytime. Register at https://www.trinity-episcopal.org/events-1/tuesday-chanting-group-2024-01-23-10-00-2. For more information, contact Pat Zimmer at [email protected].

Event Series Contemplative Chanting

Contemplative Chanting

Trinity Cathedral, Portland 147 NW 19th Avenue, Portland, OR, United States

Chant the psalms, Taize, Gregorian, contemporary and Songs of the Presence as a way to connect with the Spirit in prayer. Drop in anytime. Register at https://www.trinity-episcopal.org/events-1/contemplative-chanting-2024-02-27-10-00.   For more information, contact Pat Zimmer at [email protected].

Event Series 4th Saturday Meditation

4th Saturday Meditation

Trinity Cathedral, Portland 147 NW 19th Avenue, Portland, OR, United States

Begin, invigorate, or deepen your meditation practice with this all-levels monthly meditation gathering led by the Rev'd Chris Bell. Meetings will begin with an hour of silent meditation (two sessions of sitting and a short walking meditation), followed by a discussion led by Chris. We will conclude with a half-hour of informal tea (or coffee) […]

Event Series Contemplative Chanting

Contemplative Chanting

Trinity Cathedral, Portland 147 NW 19th Avenue, Portland, OR, United States

Chant the psalms, Taizé, Gregorian, contemporary and Songs of the Presence as a way to connect with the Spirit in prayer. Drop in anytime. Register at https://www.trinity-episcopal.org/events-1/tuesday-chanting-group-2024-01-23-10-00-2. For more information, contact Pat Zimmer at [email protected].

Event Series 4th Saturday Meditation

4th Saturday Meditation

Trinity Cathedral, Portland 147 NW 19th Avenue, Portland, OR, United States

Begin, invigorate, or deepen your meditation practice with this all-levels monthly meditation gathering led by the Rev'd Chris Bell. Meetings will begin with an hour of silent meditation (two sessions of sitting and a short walking meditation), followed by a discussion led by Chris. We will conclude with a half-hour of informal tea (or coffee) […]

Event Series Contemplative Chanting

Contemplative Chanting

Trinity Cathedral, Portland 147 NW 19th Avenue, Portland, OR, United States

Chant the psalms, Taize, Gregorian, contemporary and Songs of the Presence as a way to connect with the Spirit in prayer. Drop in anytime. Register at https://www.trinity-episcopal.org/events-1/contemplative-chanting-2024-02-27-10-00.   For more information, contact Pat Zimmer at [email protected].