Church Insurance Agency (CIA) has requested that we individualize our Workers’ Compensation (WC) Policies for 2025. In early January 2025, CIA will mail an individual certificate of insurance to each mission and parish church. Each church will each receive an invoice for the premium for the full year 2025. There will be options to break this invoice into payments or to pay in full.

As in prior years, the Diocese will complete the audit report for 2024; however, in January 2026, each of the churches will receive the WC insurance certificate, audit report form, and invoice. Each church will complete the audit report form and send it back. Once the audit is finalized, each church will be billed for the difference if the actual payroll is reported higher or will result in a refund if the actual payroll is reported lower. Click here for an example of the user-friendly form required for the 2026 audit.

Effective Jan. 1, 2025, there will no longer be a deduction for WC paid to the Diocese.

For questions or concerns, please contact Payroll & Benefits Administrator Lynsey Redman at [email protected].