2023 Annual Meeting

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Annual Meeting  Agenda | Orden del Día
Below is a basic schedule of the annual meeting. Please note that times are subject to change due to the nature of the business and debate. We have built-in breaks as well throughout the meeting.
  • 8:30 am – Zoom Meeting Opens
  • 9 am – Morning Prayer
  • 9:15 am – Call to Order and Business Session
    • Consent Calendar, Governing Bodies Voting
  • 10:15 am – Bishop’s Address
  • 10:35 am – Break
  • 10:50 am – Business Session
    • Governing Bodies Voting, Resolutions of Policy
  • 12:05 pm – Lunch Break
  • 12:35 pm – Business Session
    • Governing Bodies Voting, Proposed Canonical Amendments, Church Closures,
  • 2:35 pm – Break
  • 2:50 pm – Business Session
    • Treasurer’s Report, Budget Report, Resolutions of Courtesy
  • 3:15 pm – Closing Prayer and Dismissal
  • 3:20 pm – Convention Adjourns


House Rules | Reglas de la casa

Reglas de la casa del 2023 (propuestas) en Español

View as a PDF

2023 House Rules (Proposed)
Annual Meeting of the Convention of the Episcopal Church in Western Oregon

The 135th Annual Meeting of the Convention of the Episcopal Church in Western Oregon will be held remotely on Saturday, October 28, 2023 using an electronic meeting platform.  All voting delegates who log into the platform will be considered “on the floor” of the Annual Meeting.  Alternates and guests will not be allowed on the floor but will instead be allowed to view the Annual Meeting through online web streaming.

DELEGATE CHANGES must be reported by the cleric, senior warden, or vestry/BAC clerk of a congregation by Tuesday, October 13, 2023, using the delegate change form available here.  In the event a delegate needs to request an emergent change after that date, the cleric, senior warden, or vestry/BAC clerk of a congregation must contact the Secretary of Convention.  These requests will be addressed on a case-by-case basis.

At the beginning of the Annual Meeting, a QUORUM shall be determined when Clergy from a majority of the congregations entitled to representation and Lay Delegates from a majority of the congregations entitled to representation are present on the electronic platform.  Delegates are to edit their name in the electronic platform to include their congregation and town/city.

VOTING will primarily be done using electronic polls but may also include using the Raise Hand function in the electronic platform.

RAISE HAND will be the way delegates indicate a desire to speak, such as to ask a question, to make a motion or amendment, or for a point of order.  Before speaking, the delegate must wait to be recognized by the President of Convention or a designee.  Delegates will first identify their name and congregation before speaking.  Delegates will be muted upon their arrival on the floor and will be expected to remain muted, unless called upon to speak.

BUDGET The members of the diocesan council are elected to represent the diocese and are entrusted to utilize the budget process in order to approve a budget that is submitted to the Convention for adoption. This year’s pilot budget process has included the opportunity for input and feedback from the convocations. The budget was revised, based on that feedback, and the diocesan council approved this proposed budget to be submitted to the Convention at the Annual Meeting. Therefore, no amendments to the budget will be allowed at the annual meeting.

LATE RESOLUTIONS require the approval of at least 3/4 of delegates to be considered.  When the Annual Meeting is online, late resolutions will not be allowed due to the inability to hold a canonically mandated hearing once the Annual Meeting has convened.  When the Annual Meeting is in person, late resolutions must focus on a topic of immediacy that precluded submission by the canonical deadline and must be submitted to the Chair of Dispatch of Business or to the Secretary of Convention before the first day of the Annual Meeting.

Delegates are encouraged to speak to resolutions at the established Resolution Hearing. When the Annual Meeting is in session, DEBATE for any one resolution will be limited to 20 minutes.  After a resolution has been introduced, there will be a period of one minute for delegates to identify their desire to speak to it.  To get in line to speak, delegates must both use the Raise Hand function and type into the chat either SPEAKING FOR, if speaking in favor, or SPEAKING AGAINST, if speaking against.  If either Raise Hand or the chat identification are not used, the delegate will not be considered in line to speak.

Line order will be guided by the time stamp of when SPEAKING FOR/SPEAKING AGAINST (en español: PRO/CONTRA) was posted in the chat.  When there are people speaking to both sides, the line order will be structured to allow alternating views.  Each delegate will have up to 2 minutes to speak, and no one may speak a second time until all those who wish to speak on the item of business have had the opportunity to do so.

No motions to amend will be allowed within the first six minutes of debate.  ALL MOTIONS TO AMEND a resolution need to be in writing, using the chat function.  To identify more easily what is being amended, written submissions must include the line number(s) within the resolution where the proposed change will happen.

The CHAT FUNCTION of the electronic platform will only be utilized for business when the Annual Meeting is in session.  Delegates are not to type in the chat except to get in line for debate, to officially file an amendment, to raise a point of order, or if otherwise directed.  Delegates are to avoid using the chat to help resolve issues being discussed.  Side conversations, pleasantries, and messages between delegates are discouraged.  Chat that does not fall into the identified instances will be considered out of order. 

Roberts Rules of Order Newly Revised, 12th edition, will be the parliamentary authority for this Annual Meeting.


Consent Calendar | Calendario de Acuerdo

Bishop’s Nominations for Elected Officers | Nominaciones de la Obispa para los Oficiales Electos

Appointments at Convention | Nombramientos a la Convención

Appointments at the Annual Meeting | Nombramientos para la Convención

The following people are appointed at the 135th Annual Convention / Las Siguientes personas están nombradas para la 135 Convención Anual:

Parliamentarian / Parlamentaria Paul Belz-Templeman

Committee on Dispatch of Business / Comité para Despacho de Asuntos

  • The Rev. Wes Sedlacek, Chair
  • Gwen Best
  • The Rev. Laura Sheridan Campbell
  • Cindy Russell

Committee on Resolutions of Policy / Comité para Reglamento de Resoluciones 

  • Alan Murray, Chair
  • Emily Karr
  • The Rev. Wes Sedlacek

Committee on Resolutions of Courtesy / Comité para Resoluciones de Cortesía

  • The Rev. Martin Elfert
  • The Rev. Jeanne Kaliszewski
  • Holly Puckett

Committee on Credentials / Comité sobre los Títulos

  • The Rev. Laura Sheridan Campbell
  • Tracy Esguerra
  • Alli Gannett

Nominating Committee / Comité para Nominaciones

  • The Rev. Bingham Powell, Chair
  • The Rev. Tricia Gates Brown
  • The Rev. Everett Charters
  • The Rev. Shawn Dickerson
  • Kevin Gardner
  • Ann Peck McBride
  • Sonja Miller
  • Abby Mulcahy
  • The Rev. Dawn Reynolds
  • Hana Rubens
  • The Rev. Jaime Sanders
  • The Rev. Laura Sheridan-Campbell
  • Nancylee Stewart
  • Katie Thomas

Constitution and Canons Committee / Comité para la Constitución y Cánones

  • Derek Moyer, Chair
  • Emily Karr, Chancellor
  • Marie Bagwell
  • The Rev. Nathan LeRud
  • The Rev. Brandon Filbert
  • Martin Loring
  • The Rev. Laura-Sheridan Campbell
  • Becky Snow

Commission on Ministry / Comisión para el Ministerio

  • The Rev. Jeanne Kaliszewski
  • The Rev. Raggs Ragan
  • The Rev. Lainie Allen
  • The Rev. Deacon Tracy LeBlanc
  • The Rev. Martin Elferts
  • Beth Ferguson
  • The Rev. Marlene Mutchler
  • The Rev. Deacon Cindra Gray

    Convocation Deans / Decano de la Convocación

    • Central Convocation – The Rev. Judith Jones
    • Columbia Convocation – The Rev. Shana McCauley
    • Metro East Convocation – The Rev. Andria Skornik
    • South Coast Convocation – The Rev. Dawn Reynolds
    • Southern Convocation – The Rev. Ernestein Flemister
    • Sunset Convocation – The Rev. Beth Mallon
    • Willamette Convocation – The Rev. Chris Hertlein
    Bishop's Nominations | Nominaciones de la Obispa

    Bishop’s Nominations for Elected Officers | Nominaciones de la Obispa para los Oficiales Electos 

    Secretary / Secretaria The Rev. Laura Sheridan Campbell

    Registrar/ Registro Tracy Esguerra

    Treasurer / Tesorero  Kathy Gordon

    Chancellor / Canciller  Emily Karr


    Bishop’s Nominations for Disciplinary Board | Consejo para la Disciplina

    Disciplinary Board / Junta Disciplinaria

    • Dan Breene
    • Nora McLaughlin
    • The Rev. Bingham Powell
    Diocesan Leadership Elections | Nominados para el liderazgo diocesano

    Below are the nominees for the diocesan governing bodies.  To read more about the nominees for diocesan leadership, please see this PDF.


    Standing Committee – Lay
    Comité Permanente – Laicos
    one position to be filled | un puesto por llenar
    • *Pamela Filbert – St. Timothy, Salem
    • Lori Murphy Cole – St. Thomas, Dallas
    Standing Committee – Clergy
    Comité Permanente – Clérigos
    one position to be filled | un puesto por llenar
    • *The Rev. Linda Lee, Deacon – St. Timothy, Brookings
    • The Rev. Tom Sramek, Jr. – All Saints, Hillsboro
    Board of Trustees – Lay
    Consejo de Fideicomiso – Laicos
    one position to be filled | un puesto por llenar
    • *Sonja Miller – All Saints, Portland
    • Ron Scharfer – St. Mary, Eugene
    Board of Trustees – Clergy
    Consejo de Fideicomiso – Clérigos 
    one position to be filled | un puesto por llenar
    • *The Rev. Jeanne Kaliszewski – St. John the Evangelist, Milwaukie
    • The Rev. Jaime Sanders – Christ Church, St. Helens
    Trinity Cathedral Chapter – Lay or Clergy  
    Capitular para La Catedral de la Trinidad – Laico o Clérigo
    one position to be filled | un puesto por llenar
    • The Rev. Everett Charters – St. Gabriel, Portland
    • *Hana Rubens – St. Luke, Grants Pass
    Diocesan Council – Lay
    Consejo Diocesano – Laicos
    two positions to be filled | dos puestos por llenar
    • *Mary Elles Andrew – St. Andrew, Florence
    • *Nikolaus Grimsby – St. Luke, Grants Pass
    • Cindy Russell – St. Francis of Assis, Wilsonville
    Diocesan Council – Clergy
    Consejo Diocesano – Clérigos
    two positions to be filled | dos puestos por llenar
    • The Rev. Cathy Clark – St. Barnabas, McMinnville
    • *The Rev. Ruth Krueger, Deacon – Good Samaritan, Corvallis
    • The Rev. R. Scott Painter – St. Michael & All Angels, Portland
    • *The Rev. Birch Rambo – Church of the Resurrection, Eugene
    Proposed Diocesan Budget | El Presupuesto Diocesano que se propone
    Development of the 2024 Budget
    Diocesan Council is trying out a new budget development timeline in 2023.  The goal is to shorten the budget process so that applications are due July 5 (instead of in April), and convocations will be able to study and give feedback on the budget in August and September. This is a one-time experiment and has been approved by the Bishop and the Diocesan Chancellor.
    The Diocesan Council-approved budget is available below.
        Resolutions | Resolución

        Resolutions of Policy: 

        These resolutions are in their final form presented by the committee. The

        • Proposed Resolution to Repudiate Doctrine of Discovery – passed as amendedEnglish | en Español
        • Proposed Resolution Support of Palestinian Christians – passed as presented English | en Español
        • Proposed Resolution Safeguard the Rights of Palestinian Children – passed as amended English| en Español 

        Canonical Amendments: 

        • Proposed Canonical Amendment to Canon 1.1 Annual Meeting of Convention – passed as presented English | en Español
        • Proposed Canonical Amendment to Canon 3.8 The Commission on Ministry – passed as presented English | en Español
        • Proposed Canonical Amendments to Canon 1.1 and 1.4 Official Youth Presence – passed as presented English | en Español
        Resolutions From the 80th General Convention | Resoluciones de la 80s Convención General

        It is a requirement of Canon I.1.1.e that the Convention of every Diocese receive notice whenever any alteration of the Book of Common Prayer or of the Constitution is proposed. The 80th General Convention proposed three resolutions with changes to the Constitution.

        At the 80th General Convention, there were three Amendments to the Constitution. You can read about each amendment on this document from the General Convention Office. 

        • A031 – Amend the Consitution and Canons Relating to Mergers of Dioceses – Final Status: Concurred as Amended
        • A059 – Amend Article X of the Consitution of The Episcopal Church (First Reading) – Final Status: Concurred as Substituted and Amended
        • A157 – Amend Article I Sec. 7 – Final Status: Concurred
        Diocesan Working Groups and Ministries Annual Reports | Reportes Anuales de los Grupos de Trabajo y Ministerios Diocesanos

        Use this template to complete your report. Please submit all reports to the Secretary of Convention by October 20.

        – 12 pt. font in Times New Roman
        – 1” margins
        – 1-page reports (2 pages, if absolutely necessary)

        Completed Reports (listed in alphabetical order):