Bishop Visitations

An Episcopal (Bishop) Visitation is the official pastoral visit of the bishop to a congregation. Canon law requires bishops to visit every congregation in their diocese at least once every three years; Bishop Akiyama’s goal is to visit parishes once every two years.
During a visitation, the bishop will: examine the condition of the congregation, oversee the clergy, preach, confirm, preside at the Eucharist, and examine parochial records.
In addition, a bishop’s visitation will be an occasion for baptism and/or confirmations, at which the bishop will preside. In preparing for an
Episcopal Visitation, please read through the Bishop’s Customary
and the Visitation Guidelines, available below.
Visitations are scheduled with the Bishop’s Executive Assistant, Tracy Esguerra, working with the Bishop’s schedule and the schedule of the congregation.
Please remember to complete the Pre-Visitation Form at least 60 days before your scheduled visitation. In addition to the Pre-Visitation Form, please submit a draft order of service/bulletin in the format available below to Bishop Akiyama at least two weeks/14 days before your scheduled visitation.
Visitation and Celebration of New Ministry
Order of Service/Bulletin Templates
Below you will find the order of service/bulletin templates for both a Bishop’s Visitation to a congregation and the Celebration of
New Ministry. These Word document templates are for you to complete with the necessary information and submit to the
Bishop’s Office for approval. Please note: all items that need to be changed are in RED. Order of Service/bulletins not in this format
will not be accepted, and you will be asked to revise it to match these templates. If you are having difficulties with these templates,
please reach out to Tracy Esguerra, Executive Assistant to Bishop Akiyama.
The links below will automatically download a Word doc to your computer. You will find it in your “Downloads” or equivalent folder on your computer.
Upcoming Visitations