Walk out the Old and Walk in the New on Our Community Common Ground Labyrinth. Add your Blessings and Thanksgivings from 2023 and Resolve to Let Go/Leave Behind Losses and Burdens for 2024. Have a warm beverage and snack. In our warm and comfortable parish hall. Enjoy a powerpoint presentation started on the hour & […]
The Eighth Day of Christmas: Worship Feast of the Holy Name of Jesus St. Aidan's Episcopal Church invites you to celebrate the Twelve Days of Christmas with worship, concerts, and readings. Please see specific dates for that day's event information.
The Ninth Day of Christmas: Concert Joseph Z. Pettit, organ St. Aidan.s Episcopal Church invites you to celebrate the Twelve Days of Christmas with worship, concerts, and readings. Please see specific dates for that day's event information.
Join us on a journey through the Eucharist as we explore both how we worship on Sundays and what Christianity means for our daily lives. Catechesis is designed for those newer to the Trinity community and for those who are preparing for Baptism, Confirmation or Reception/Reaffirmation into the Episcopal Church – but you are welcome […]
The Tenth Day of Christmas: Concert Graham Løken, bassoon St. Aidan's Episcopal Church invites you to celebrate the Twelve Days of Christmas with worship, concerts, and readings. Please see specific dates for that day's event information.
The Eleventh Day of Christmas: Worship Commemoration of Kaj Munk, Pastor and Martyr St. Aidan's Episcopal Church invites you to observe The Twelve Days of Christmas with worship, lessons and carols, readings, and concerts. Please see specific dates for event details.
Community Dinner, Friday evenings, 5:30-7:00 p.m. Serving a hot meal to the community - all are welcome! Bring your family, bring a friend, tell your neighbors! Sack lunches are available to take home for the weekend.
The Twelfth Day of Christmas: Concert Twelfth Night Revelry Musicians of the Mu Phi Epsilon Alumni International Music Fraternity St. Aidan's Episcopal Church invites you to observe The Twelve Days of Christmas with worship, lessons and carols, readings, and concerts. Please see specific dates for event details.
Epiphany is the celebration of the manifestation of Christ to the peoples of the earth. The coming of the Magi to visit the Christ child is celebrated on the Feast Day of the Epiphany, January 6. We will honor this day with a special Epiphany pageant led by children and adults of St. Bede's and […]
The Feast of the Epiphany: Worship St. Aidan's Episcopal Church invites you to observe The Twelve Days of Christmas with worship, lessons and carols, readings, and concerts. Please see specific dates for event details.
Register to attend online: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZEtdO6tqjkvEtaLpvm15OCeA38HOyqyHFEg (Hybrid; Led by Roy Cole) For 2000 years, people have told and retold the story of “a man born in obscurity in whose name a faith was made.” From an infant born in a stable to the salvation of the world, that story has profoundly shaped the world. Join us […]
Gian Carlo Menotti's miracle operetta "Amahl and the Night Visitors" will be staged in the main church at St. Paul's on January 6 at 7:00pm, and January 7 at 4:00pm. There is no service of Evensong preceding either production. Due to strict copyright restrictions, there will be no live stream of this event. This child-friendly […]
Join us for a special half-hour recital on the Rosales organ featuring organist Keith Weber (Houston, Texas). Watch the livestream on YouTube https://youtube.com/trinitycathpdx/live or Facebook https://facebook.com/trinitycathpdx/live. About the Organist: Recent GRAMMY-nominated Producer Keith Weber is a choral and orchestral conductor, vocal coach, choral clinician, organist, pianist, harpsichordist, and collaborator widely known for his musical versatility […]
Good Grief: Processing Trauma Together at St. John the Evangelist in Milwaukee (Nov 14, Dec 12, Jan 9, & Feb 13). The church is one of the few places that can hold grief compassionately and gracefully, helping us feel and grieve together just as Jesus did when his friend Lazarus died. Come walk the journey […]
Join us every week for Wednesday at the Commons, our adult formation series designed to introduce you to a diverse range of topics, expanding your perspectives and encouraging fresh thinking. EPIPHANY-A SEASON OF AWAKENING (In person only; Taught by Kevin G. Thew Forester) Register here: https://onrealm.org/TrinityEpiscopalpdx/PublicRegistrations/Event?linkString=MDJhMzRjYTMtY2I5ZC00ODlmLTkzYzMtYjBkODAxNzdiZGNi WRITING THE DIVINE-A GENERATIVE WRITING CLASS (In person only; […]
Register to attend online: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZEtdO6tqjkvEtaLpvm15OCeA38HOyqyHFEg (Hybrid; Led by Roy Cole) For 2000 years, people have told and retold the story of “a man born in obscurity in whose name a faith was made.” From an infant born in a stable to the salvation of the world, that story has profoundly shaped the world. Join us […]
Join us every week for Wednesday at the Commons, our adult formation series designed to introduce you to a diverse range of topics, expanding your perspectives and encouraging fresh thinking. EPIPHANY-A SEASON OF AWAKENING (In person only; Taught by Kevin G. Thew Forester) Register here: https://onrealm.org/TrinityEpiscopalpdx/PublicRegistrations/Event?linkString=MDJhMzRjYTMtY2I5ZC00ODlmLTkzYzMtYjBkODAxNzdiZGNi WRITING THE DIVINE-A GENERATIVE WRITING CLASS (In person only; […]
Peacemaker, author, and Nobel Peace Prize Nominee Father John Dear will be with us to talk about and sign copies of his new book, his life's work: The Gospel of Peace: A Commentary on Matthew, Mark, and Luke from the Perspective of Nonviolence. The Gospel of Peace is the first-ever commentary on the Synoptic Gospels […]
Community Dinner, Friday evenings, 5:30-7:00 p.m. Serving a hot meal to the community - all are welcome! Bring your family, bring a friend, tell your neighbors! Sack lunches are available to take home for the weekend.
Unfortunately, the Ordinations to the Priesthood scheduled for today have been canceled due to weather. Please see the below message from the Bishop. Dear Friends in Christ, Out of an abundance of caution, we have decided to cancel the ordinations scheduled for tomorrow, Friday. This decision was very difficult to make, as I am aware […]
"The Welcoming Prayer is a powerful path for connecting the inner consent of Centering Prayer with the outer requirement of unconditional presence in daily life." —Cynthia Bourgeault Welcoming Prayer is a practice of consenting to God's presence in our physical & emotional reactions to the events & situations of daily life. Join us as Contemplative […]
Bishop Akiyama's visitation to St. Christopher Episcopal Church in Port Orford
Register to attend online: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZEtdO6tqjkvEtaLpvm15OCeA38HOyqyHFEg (Hybrid; Led by Roy Cole) For 2000 years, people have told and retold the story of “a man born in obscurity in whose name a faith was made.” From an infant born in a stable to the salvation of the world, that story has profoundly shaped the world. Join us […]
All Women of the Episcopal Church Are Invited to a Leading With Heart Leadership Program Sunday, January 21st 1:00 - 2:30 pm Pacific Time Improve and raise up your ministries. Discover new ministries. No experience required. Everyone interested in leadership is welcome Join Zoom Meeting https://us06web.zoom.us/j/2717839861?pwd=dXlPL3E4bDl2V1RRa1RQTHUvd1BpZz09&omn=81759347467 Visit the website for more information about the Leading […]
Taizé Services are returning to Saint David of Wales! We are thrilled to announce the return of monthly Taizé services at our parish every 3rd Sunday at 5:00 pm in the sanctuary. Taizé is a Service for Healing and Wholeness, a place of safety and hope. This type of prayerful, meditative worship is named after […]
Join us every week for Wednesday at the Commons, our adult formation series designed to introduce you to a diverse range of topics, expanding your perspectives and encouraging fresh thinking. EPIPHANY-A SEASON OF AWAKENING (In person only; Taught by Kevin G. Thew Forester) Register here: https://onrealm.org/TrinityEpiscopalpdx/PublicRegistrations/Event?linkString=MDJhMzRjYTMtY2I5ZC00ODlmLTkzYzMtYjBkODAxNzdiZGNi WRITING THE DIVINE-A GENERATIVE WRITING CLASS (In person only; […]
Community Dinner, Friday evenings, 5:30-7:00 p.m. Serving a hot meal to the community - all are welcome! Bring your family, bring a friend, tell your neighbors! Sack lunches are available to take home for the weekend.
Register in advance: https://onrealm.org/TrinityEpiscopalpdx/PublicRegistrations/Event?linkString=Y2E5ODg5MGMtNGUxOS00ODAwLTkyYWQtYjBjZjAwMGFhZGJi Contemplative Labyrinth Activism: Theory & Experience *Please note: time listed is Pacific time. Held on Zoom only.* Ellen Bintz Meuch & Chris Katzenmeyer present the background & theory of intentional heart-based labyrinth walking. They will describe the what, why, and how of Labyrinth Activism, the science and recent data to support […]
Join us every week for Wednesday at the Commons, our adult formation series designed to introduce you to a diverse range of topics, expanding your perspectives and encouraging fresh thinking. EPIPHANY-A SEASON OF AWAKENING (In person only; Taught by Kevin G. Thew Forester) Register here: https://onrealm.org/TrinityEpiscopalpdx/PublicRegistrations/Event?linkString=MDJhMzRjYTMtY2I5ZC00ODlmLTkzYzMtYjBkODAxNzdiZGNi WRITING THE DIVINE-A GENERATIVE WRITING CLASS (In person only; […]
Join the community of St. George Episcopal Church in Roseburg as they celebrate the new ministry of their co-rectors, the Rev. Janine Goodrich and the Rev. Matthew Goodrich.
Join fellow youth members of the diocese this February at St. Paul Episcopal Church in Salem! We will start our time together at 9:30 am on February 3 and go until 11:30 am on February 4. You can find a full schedule below. Registration is required for all attendees; a $25 registration fee will assist […]