Diocesan News
Writing the Face of Christ: Iconography
The first icon of the Hodegetria (Madonna pointing to the Christ child) was reportedly painted in the first century by St. Luke in memory of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Staying true to this ancient Christian tradition, Trinity Iconography Institute observes the earliest canons setting forth how icons are to be made utilizing humble materials from the earth, animals, vegetables, and minerals, depicting the heavenly reality of God, His Holy Mother and the Saints.
The Closing of St. David’s in Drain
After 70 years of ministry, the congregation of St. David’s Episcopal Church in the town of Drain, Oregon decided to end its time as a mission of the Episcopal Church in Western Oregon. The church building was sold on Thursday, June 10, 2021, to the Family Relief Nursery in Drain, a family and childcare center that has been renting space from the parish of St. David’s for many years. This relationship between St. David’s and the Family Relief Nursery has grown very close over the years and selling of the property to the Nursery was the ardent hope of the 2 remaining congregants of St. David.
The Four Vision Quests of Jesus and our own transformation
We would like to invite you to reach for the spiritual center of the story and to look at anti-racist work as an opportuntiy for personal transfiguration. Bravery and courage for this work comes from our incredible liturgy. We are all one body, we are all interconnected, and we have access to the transformative and healing power of our gospel.
Diocese of Oregon COVID-19 Guidelines for the Reopening of Parishes
Almost as quickly as health authorities asked us to cease holding public worship in March 2020, the CDC has suddenly announced that it is appropriate for fully...