Progress Toward Carbon Neutrality

In 2022, the Episcopal Churches of Western Oregon committed to achieving carbon neutrality by 2030. The Creation Care Working Group (CCWG) is now actively engaging with churches across the diocese to learn about their progress toward this ambitious goal.

Many churches have already taken steps such as replacing incandescent and fluorescent light bulbs with energy-efficient LEDs and planting pollinator-friendly gardens. However, each congregation’s approach to sustainability is unique, reflecting the diverse ways in which they are called to care for God’s creation.

For example, one church with ample land has established a regenerative garden that supplies fresh produce to the local community. Another congregation plays a key role in maintaining a nearby wetland and is collaborating with the city on the removal of an outdated dam. Additionally, some churches have formed Book Clubs focused on environmental issues, while others are advocating for climate action by writing to city, state, and federal officials.

Challenges and Solutions

While many churches aspire to install solar panels or replace gas furnaces and HVAC systems with energy-efficient heat pumps, these projects are often costly. Although the Inflation Reduction Act’s Direct Pay provisions offer significant financial support, funds are only available after the projects are completed, presenting a financial challenge for churches.

To navigate this, churches are exploring various grants and funding opportunities. Potential sources include the Portland Clean Energy Community Benefits Fund, the Energy Trust of Oregon, the Oregon Department of Energy, and the Episcopal Church of Western Oregon.

The CCWG is a valuable resource for congregations looking to reduce their energy consumption. The group’s page on the Diocesan website offers guidance on how to conduct an energy audit—a crucial first step in improving a facility’s energy efficiency. Additionally, the CCWG provides practical tips for individuals to enhance the energy efficiency of their homes. Visit the CCWG page on the Diocesan website for more details.

Upcoming Events

Another exciting opportunity for learning and engagement is the upcoming Creation Care Faire at St. Michael & All Angels Episcopal Church in Portland. Scheduled for Saturday, September 21, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., this event will bring together five Episcopal churches in the Portland area: St. Michael & All Angels, St. Gabriel the Archangel, St. David of Wales, Grace Memorial, and St. John the Evangelist. Attendees will have the chance to collect handouts and speak with experts on a wide range of topics related to environmental stewardship.