Diocesan News
Alli Gannett resigns as Director of Communications
Dear Friends in Christ, I write to share the news that Alli Gannett has resigned from her position as Director of Communications for the Episcopal Church in...
Diocesan Renewal Gathering Rescheduled
Due to scheduling conflicts, the Diocesan Renewal Gathering is rescheduled to Saturday, June 1, 2024. One aspect of Bishop Akiyama’s duties is to represent the...
135th Annual Meeting Recap
Thank you all who attended and made the 135th Annual Meeting of the Convention happen on Saturday, October 28. You can watch the entire meeting...
Diocesan-wide Catechesis Course, hosted by Trinity Cathedral
Trinity Cathedral in Portland has opened its 5-month catechesis course to anyone in the diocese who wants to participate. This course is for anyone seeking a...